How-to get moved on a busy road to turn right

Move half way and then wait and turn right (Same way i did in Pinner)

On the traffic light passed the crossroad and right traffic light turned on

In such situation continue your driving to clean the road. Continue driving towards next exit on the road. If you crossed the stop line at the traffic light before traffic light turned red then you must continue driving and follow the road signals ahead

Signal before turning left or right

Do the following routine заблоговременно как только поступила инструкция turn left or right
Always before signaling check: 1. Interior mirror, 2. Exterior mirror to the side of turning (left or right), 3. Signal left or right

Most difficult things when start driving

1. Parking. No matter if you drive automatic or manual you will struggle parking the car especially parallel parking
2. Positioning

Four crossroad types

1. Cross road with yellow box junction
Rules: No entry if the exit is not clear.
You can stop at the yellow box only if you are turning right and you are blocked to finish turning right by oncoming traffic or by other vehicles already waiting to turn right.

2. Controlled cross road
There will be GIVE WAY line or sometimes a STOP line.
When it is STOP junction, it is necessary to stop and apply your handbrake and observe. If visibility is limited lean forward and observe before emerging out.

3. Traffic light controlled cross road
On the approach look out for the appropriate lane for the direction you want to go. Try to get into that lane as early as possible.

4. Uncontrolled cross road
Nobody has priority. You must make eye contact with all approaching road users. If not sure, hold back.

12 минутный комплекс упражнений для шеи

Все упражнения делаются очень медленно.
При поворотах мыщцы не напрягать

1. Шею тянем вперед и втягиваем внутрь
2. Поворот шеи влево и вправо, и тянемся к плечам
3. Наклон шеи вниз и немного тянемся вниз к груди,
поднимаем годову вверх и наклоняем назад
4. Поворачиваем шею влево и вправо и смотрим назад
5. Наклон шеи, поворот на 30 градусов и смотрим вверх влево и вправо
6. Наклон шеи влево и вправо и слегка тянем макушку головы
7. Втягиваем шею, потом поворачиваем, тянем слегка влево или вправо, вытягиваем и как по блюдцу, делаем круг дойдя до противоположной стороны,т.е. у нас получантся полный круг 180 градусов двигая челюсть как-бы по блюдцу
8. Откидываем голову назади поворачиваем влево или вправо смотрим назад
9. Наклон влево или вправо, тянемся макушкой, полукруг 90 градусов до середины, тянемся головой вниз слегка и
поднимаем голову в исходное положение

Positioning on the road

If you drive, and road has 2 lanes, left lane with arrows showing turning left and drive straight, and right lane showing turning right and drive straight arrow – position your car in left lane, because in right-sided driving when left lane is empty the car should be positionted on it, if it’s busy then the car should be positioned in the right lane

LADA routine

L.A.D.A – Look, assess, decide and act

The L.A.D.A driving routine is used when closely approaching a traffic system such as a roundabout or junction after the M.S.P.S.L routine has been completed

MSPSL routine

M.S.P.S.L – Mirror, signal, position, speed and look

M.S.P.S.L is an updated type of the familiar MSM – Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre routine.

S.C.A.L.P routine or stopping a car

S.C.A.L.P – Safe, convenient and legal position

This is the one that catches most people out on their driving test. The routine is designed to make sure you park the car safely, legally and with good control.

When stopping at the left side, the kerb should “enter at the middle” of front window of the car. It means that the side of the car in a correct distance from the kerb.