Posted on July 13, 2018, 2:04 pm, by imran.aghayev, under
When should hazard lights be activated while you are driving? – On motorway or dual carriageway to warn motorists behind you of hazards ahead. Explanation: On a motorway or dual carriageway, if you see a hazard ahead, you can use your hazard lights to alert motorists behind you to the hazard. They will be able […]
Posted on July 13, 2018, 2:01 pm, by imran.aghayev, under
While travelling on a wet road, you need to make an emergency stop. What should you do? – Keep both hands on a steering wheel. Explanation: On a wet road, your vehicle may be more difficult to control in an emergency stop. Hence, you should keep both hands on the steering wheel so you can […]
Posted on July 13, 2018, 2:00 pm, by imran.aghayev, under
After travelling through deep water that has gathered on a road surface, you should – reduce your speed and apply little pressure to your brakes simultaneously. Explanation: Water can decrease the effectiveness of your brakes. To clear the water and dry the brakes, apply the brakes very gently while driving.
Posted on April 24, 2018, 11:04 am, by imran.aghayev, under
It’s not actually law, but the advice is that if the obstruction is on your side of the road, then you should give way. If both sides of the road are restricted, the safest thing to do is stop (because you take control of the situation). If the obstruction (obstacle) is on your side and […]
The most common minor driving test faults for automatic cars are: Cockpit drill: Didn’t check the gear stick before signaling to move off. For example if a gear is in (P) parked position and you signal right to move off whilst you should’ve move it to (D) drive position. Another example if you forgot to […]
If other road users are affected, a minor driving fault can turn into a serious one.
A Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) is an area where all on-street parking is controlled. The times on the sign shows when parking regulations are in force for single yellow lines and parking bays. All double yellow lines are enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Some individual parking spaces, including resident bays, may have […]
Never use bus lane with the following information traffic sign. It means that bus uses the lane 24 hours a day, basically anytime anyday.
Set of time shows peak time. Peak time are usually in the mornings when people go to work and afternoon when people return home from work. During these times trains use the rails more often and buses use bus lane more often as well, so no disturbance of bus operation allowed. Use lane in time […]
Posted on March 22, 2018, 3:57 pm, by imran.aghayev, under
Blue and green symbols on the dashboard illuminate to illustrate a utility if running. Main beam headlights are running Front fog lights are running Amber, orange or yellow dashboard lights symbolise something requires attention Red lights will generally symbolise something needs needs attention much sooner Red flashing lights or lights accompanied by an audible sound […]