Uk driving plate structure
EU country (optional)
Area code – 2 letters
Age identifier – 2 numbers
Random letters – 3 letters
EU country (optional)
Area code – 2 letters
Age identifier – 2 numbers
Random letters – 3 letters
Golden rule – less space less speed. When there are not enough space, narrow roads, obstructions reduce the speed down
Left side stick of the steering wheel, outer switch, turn up twice – turns on dip headlights and tail lights on. You will get no symbol at this points. Turn it on, get out and walk around of the car to check that all light bulbs function properly.
Left side stick of the steering wheel, middle switch is for fog lights – turn it on when visibility drops below 100meters
Left side stick of the steering wheel, push forward – turns on main beam light, blue symbol turns on in the dashboard panel
Right side stick of the steering wheel, outer switch, pull toward you – front windscreen water on for washers
Right side stick of the steering wheel, outer switch, turn up twice – tuns on the windscreen washers.
Right side stick of the steering wheel, outer switch, pull away from you – rear screen water on for washers
After you open a bonnet:
1. Engine oil dip stick is in the middle near the engine. Take out dip stick, wipe it, put it back then take out again for clear reading, check the level of reading must be between min and max markers.
2. Engine coolant or radiator coolant reservoir (tank) is at the lower right corner of the car. And the level of fluid inside must be between min and max markers.
3. Engine brake fluid reservoir (tank) is at the top left corner of the car. Check the fluid filling level, should be between min and max markers.
4. Windscreen wash liquid reservoir (tank) is at the lower left corner of the car. Turn on front window washers to check if it works. Buy and put more liquid if required.
A Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) is an area where all on-street parking is controlled.
The times on the sign shows when parking regulations are in force for single yellow lines and parking bays.
All double yellow lines are enforced 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Some individual parking spaces, including resident bays, may have their own timeplates indicating the hours of enforcement that are different from the CPZ hours.
Set of time shows peak time. Peak time are usually in the mornings when people go to work and afternoon when people return home from work. During these times trains use the rails more often and buses use bus lane more often as well, so no disturbance of bus operation allowed. Use lane in time opposite to peak times.
Use the following bus lane between 9.30 am – 4pm and between 6 pm – 7.30 am. Avoid using it in a shown time because at that time bus uses it
If you missed bus lane sign and not sure whether to drive on bus lane or not better don’t drive on bus lane
Set of time shows peak time. Peak time are usually in the mornings when people go to work and afternoon when people return home from work. During these times trains use the rails more often and buses use bus lane more often as well, so no disturbance of bus operation allowed. Use lane in time opposite to peak times.
This bus sign is for information. The time on the sign shows what time bus uses the lane more heavily and no disturbance to bus is allowed. The driver should use the lane at the time outside of shown hours, it’s safe and convenient, unless there is an obstruction or you’re turning right soon. Not using a bus lane when you’re allowed could result in a driving test fail.
So, use the bus lane after 10 am and until 4 pm and after 7 pm until 7 am during Monday – Saturday and all day on Sunday
Blue and green symbols on the dashboard illuminate to illustrate a utility if running.
When it’s safe show how-to open and close your and instructor’s side windows.
Automatic buttons:
1. Nearest button is driver’s side window. Push it down to open a window. Pull it up to close a window
2. Next to nearest button is instructor’s side window. Push it down to open a window. Pull it up to close a window