
You need to check blind spot when:
1. Moving off
2. Exiting the roundabout during changing lanes from the right to the left
3. Merging to the motorway or dual carriageway from side road or slip road
4. Change lanes ?
5. Overtaking

Don’t look around to check for them – you’ll take your focus away from the road in front of you, with potentially dangerous consequences

Dont check the blindsports when turning left or right because you will be taking eyes off the road in front and it cause dangerous situation.

So general rule check blindsports when your car moves in the straight direction but not when you intend to change direction of moving from straight to the left or right.

Comment: The way i check blindsports now is correct and continue to do so, no need strategy changes. I will follow the strategy Sharma taught me. So, when i move off, when i change lanes on the road of when i exit the roundabout and when i overtake on the right or left i check the blindsports.

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