Archive for the ‘Azad’ Category

When good time to signal

From main road to side road – 6 car length (do it early enough to prepare traffic behind for your manouevre) From side road to main road – 4-6 car length (you can do it later as it’s side road so less critical than being on main road)

Priorities in emerging on crossroads

The general rule for priorities when emerging from crossroads is that right turning traffic should give way to oncoming traffic. The vehicle with the priority in the following example if the two minor side roads were one major road, however do not assume that the other driver will comply. Despite not having priority the other […]

Roundabout exiting on 3rd lane problem explained

If you are exiting on right hand lane – while existing have a look to left lane for any overtaking car/motorcycle, overtaking is not possible because u occupied right lane If you are exiting on left hand lane – while existing have a look to right lane for any undertaking car/motorcycle, undertaking is not possible […]

Turning right (from main road to side road)

Make sure the side road brake line is on top of your right side mirror and turn right, then you precisely get rightly into the side road middle

When turning right into the main road

When turning right into the main road, always check not only left and right traffic but a traffic in front of you (if any). If you don’t see the intension of traffic in front of you keep waiting and don’t move first.

When crossroad ahead

When you are driving your road and instructor if quiet, a satnav is quiet but you see a crossroad ahead always slow down your speed and judge forward both sides of crossroad in a good time. You may need to stop if a car is passing through on the crossroad.

When on one way road

When you are on one way road there is no opposite traffic. At the end of one way road no opposite traffic. At the end of the one way road you might have 2 exits with two “Give way” sign on pavement, to turn left and to turn right, try to judge it in good […]

Check mirrors often / always before maneouvre

It is rule for safety. If you moving to right lane – before signaling right check right mirror for traffic following you, if it’s safe switch. If you returning to left lane, check left mirror first if it’s safe signal left and start moving to the left. When exiting roundabout and signaling left check right […]

Positioning on roundabout and 12 o’clock rule

Position left – if you need 1st exist Position left – if you need 2nd exist. 2nd exist could be straight driving Position right – if you need 2nd exist and you see information to position right even for 2nd exist. 2nd exist could be straight driving Position right – if you need 3rd, 4rd, […]

Parallel parking or (one-two-one steering)

5 Steps: 1. Position your car parallel to the car за которой ты будешь парковаться, switch to R, does 6 points check and start slowly moving backwards. 2. If a car parked in front (same direction as you) then – When back light of the parked car appears in rear window of my car do […]