Priorities in emerging on crossroads

The general rule for priorities when emerging from crossroads is that right turning traffic should give way to oncoming traffic.

The vehicle with the priority in the following example if the two minor side roads were one major road, however do not assume that the other driver will comply. Despite not having priority the other driver may want you to proceed first and therefore you need to learn to watch and anticipate the other driver’s actions.

The diagram below shows that no one has priority in this situation. The driver to arrive first would usually proceed first but you need to watch carefully to see what you think the other driver will do.

The situation in the diagram below shows the red car’s progress is blocked by queueing traffic therefore you may proceed despite not having priority because the red car will probably give you priority. However, make sure this is the case. As the driver of the red car will need to take extra observations due to the bushes around the mouth of the junction, you can turn without impeding the driver.

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