Roundabout exiting on 3rd lane problem explained
If you are exiting on right hand lane – while existing have a look to left lane for any overtaking car/motorcycle, overtaking is not possible because u occupied right lane
If you are exiting on left hand lane – while existing have a look to right lane for any undertaking car/motorcycle, undertaking is not possible because u occupied left lane
From author: We usually check the mirrors when switching the lanes. On approach to 3rd exit (to be precise on approacing the 2nd entry which is before 3rd exit), being on the right lane and signal right is on, first of all i check left mirror (but not left signal straight-away as i used to do before). Once again, the priority is to check the left mirror first.
Scenario 1. If no cars on the left lane, then switch left signal on and smoothly keep moving to the left lane, any car on 2nd entry to the roundabout will wait cause i have the priority being on the roundabout. When leaving the roundabout on left lane check right mirror for possible ovetaking.
Scenario 2. If there is a car on left lane, then:
2.1 either do one more turn over having right signal flashing on the right lane and then try to leave on 3rd exit again.
2.2 exit the roundabout on right lane, signal left but keep moving on the right lane and leave 3rd roundabout on the right lane. We do signal left in this case so the traffic behind us know that we are leaving the roundabout and not staying on roundabout’s right lane anymore.
Existing roundabouts from the right lane
If you need to leave in exit 3 and you in the right lane on roundabout already, once you driving along on the right lane and approacing exit 2 check left mirror and if ok point/drift your car towards left lane with direct strering knowing that you are the blocker for cars waiting in exit 2 (to enter it). Then once you pass exit 2 you already will be on left lane and then you just need to signal left and check your right mirror for overtakers (overtaking car or motorcyclist).