Hatch end roundabouts
1st roundabout. I am taking 2nd exit. Move to the left lane.
No signal, if no obstruction on right hand drive along the left lane.
Keep driving on the left lane.
Signal left on approacing next entry on the left side. This indicates the car behind you your intension to leave the roundabout on next exit. The car on the entry should remain still and give you the way as you have the priority (because you are on their right).
Keep signalling left. As you are on the left lane should be no undertaking. Check the right mirror for any car or motorcyclist overtaking you.
During exiting the roundabout keep checking forward, right mirror for any overtaking on the right by car or motorcyclist. It is possible that car can be leaving the roundabout parallel to you on the right hand lane but motorcyclist can overtake and cut you by moving to the left lane in front of you so keep checking right mirror for any motorcyclist overtaking. After leaving the roundabout do MSM and move to the right lane before next roundabout. It is because on next roundabout taking 2nd exit possible throught he right lane.
2nd roundabout. I am taking 2nd exit. Stay on the right lane to do so.
No signal, if no obstruction on right hand drive along the right lane.
Keep driving.
Signal left here. Keep driving. Check right mirror for any overtaking
Keep signal left. Keep driving. As you are on the left lane no undertaking is possible. But overtaking is possible by some rought and competitive drivers, so keep checking right mirror for possible
ovetaking by car or motorcyclist.
Exit on left lane.Keep checking right mirror for any overtaking.
3rd roundabout. 2nd exit. Move to the right lane to take 2nd exit. Here is 24 hours bus lane on the left side, exit on the right must !!! This is where i did mistake on my 1st practical test.
Use right lane for 2nd exit.
Use right lane for 2nd exit.
No signal, if no obstruction on right hand drive along the right lane.
Keep driving.
Signal left but keep on the right lane as left lane is 24 hours bus lane, any entry to left lane restricted
Keep signal left. Keep leaving on the right lane. As you are taking right lane no overtaking is possible. But undertaking might be possible by rough and competitive car or motorcyclist. Keep checking for any undertaking.
Keep checking for any undertaking while leaving the roundabout on right lane.