on July 5, 2019, 11:12 am,
by imran.aghayev,
under Azad, Practical.
На hatch marking можно вьезжать если необходимо. Не путать с shevron markings на пути в аэропорт указывают направление.
Hatched road markings are used:
1. To separate traffic lanes.
2. To make it safer for the vehicles turning right.
Many learner drivers try to avoid driving on them but legally you should drive on hatch markings if it safe to do so when outer line on entering the hatched markings is broken – for example if you are turning right and the road is narrow or the is a car waiting in front of you to turn right – enter hatched markings area, otherwise you will obstruct the traffic flow.
on July 2, 2019, 12:22 pm,
by imran.aghayev,
under Azad, Maps, Practical.
1. Drive on
2. Do MSM (move) to the left after passing Shell petrol station, cancel left signal because on next roundabout you are using 2nd exit (straight)
3. Use 2nd exit (straight) on next mini roundabout.
4. Use 2nd exit and pass when no car on the right and no car on roundabout
5. Signal left left and use 1st exit on next roundabout
6. Use 1st exit and pass when no car on the right and no car on roundabout
When you driving in empty space between cars on the left side of the road (never on the right side, except parking) do: 1 steering left then 2 steering right and stop, wait for the oncoming car to pass. The technique same as parallel parking, the difference is in parallel car moving reverse when gettng into empty space (bay) and here we move forward.
on June 24, 2019, 1:49 pm,
by imran.aghayev,
under Azad, Practical, Tips.
From main road to side road – 6 car length (do it early enough to prepare traffic behind for your manouevre)
From side road to main road – 4-6 car length (you can do it later as it’s side road so less critical than being on main road)
on June 21, 2019, 4:57 pm,
by imran.aghayev,
under Azad, Practical.
The general rule for priorities when emerging from crossroads is that right turning traffic should give way to oncoming traffic.
The vehicle with the priority in the following example if the two minor side roads were one major road, however do not assume that the other driver will comply. Despite not having priority the other driver may want you to proceed first and therefore you need to learn to watch and anticipate the other driver’s actions.
The diagram below shows that no one has priority in this situation. The driver to arrive first would usually proceed first but you need to watch carefully to see what you think the other driver will do.
The situation in the diagram below shows the red car’s progress is blocked by queueing traffic therefore you may proceed despite not having priority because the red car will probably give you priority. However, make sure this is the case. As the driver of the red car will need to take extra observations due to the bushes around the mouth of the junction, you can turn without impeding the driver.
on June 20, 2019, 10:47 am,
by imran.aghayev,
under Azad, Blog, Practical.
If you are exiting on right hand lane – while existing have a look to left lane for any overtaking car/motorcycle, overtaking is not possible because u occupied right lane
If you are exiting on left hand lane – while existing have a look to right lane for any undertaking car/motorcycle, undertaking is not possible because u occupied left lane
From author: We usually check the mirrors when switching the lanes. On approach to 3rd exit (to be precise on approacing the 2nd entry which is before 3rd exit), being on the right lane and signal right is on, first of all i check left mirror (but not left signal straight-away as i used to do before). Once again, the priority is to check the left mirror first.
Scenario 1. If no cars on the left lane, then switch left signal on and smoothly keep moving to the left lane, any car on 2nd entry to the roundabout will wait cause i have the priority being on the roundabout. When leaving the roundabout on left lane check right mirror for possible ovetaking.
Scenario 2. If there is a car on left lane, then:
2.1 either do one more turn over having right signal flashing on the right lane and then try to leave on 3rd exit again.
2.2 exit the roundabout on right lane, signal left but keep moving on the right lane and leave 3rd roundabout on the right lane. We do signal left in this case so the traffic behind us know that we are leaving the roundabout and not staying on roundabout’s right lane anymore.
Existing roundabouts from the right lane
If you need to leave in exit 3 and you in the right lane on roundabout already, once you driving along on the right lane and approacing exit 2 check left mirror and if ok point/drift your car towards left lane with direct strering knowing that you are the blocker for cars waiting in exit 2 (to enter it). Then once you pass exit 2 you already will be on left lane and then you just need to signal left and check your right mirror for overtakers (overtaking car or motorcyclist).
When turning right into the main road, always check not only left and right traffic but a traffic in front of you (if any). If you don’t see the intension of traffic in front of you keep waiting and don’t move first.
When you are driving your road and instructor if quiet, a satnav is quiet but you see a crossroad ahead always slow down your speed and judge forward both sides of crossroad in a good time. You may need to stop if a car is passing through on the crossroad.